[computer achievements]

Added LaTeX support (github.com/zotero/note-editor/pull/36) to Zotero.

Upgraded the build system (github.com/zotero/note-editor/pull/37) for the Zotero note editor.

Built the popular MineWeather (github.com/sawyerpollard/MineWeather) Chrome Extension.

Built Crossy (github.com/sawyerpollard/Crossy), a modern crossword client for the web.

Creator of The Amherst Student (amherststudent.com) website, built from scratch with Mica (github.com/sawyerpollard/Mica).

Building a new comment system for the whole internet called Blackbox (blackbox.saw.dog) (made with Go, Fiber, TypeScript, React, Postgres).